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Moving Beyond Words to Action

Moving Beyond Words to Action

Our hearts are heavy. In recent days, we have spoken to express our outrage against acts of racism and our support for the Black community. We continue to grieve so many Black lives that have been unjustly lost. We have been listening and learning, and fully understand that actions, not words, drive change. Our company has been working purposefully to make changes both behind the scenes and public-facing, but we know that we can do more. To that end, we feel an immense responsibility as a media brand to ensure that we adopt more inclusive practices and are intentional about showcasing people of color as we celebrate love through weddings. 

What began as an effort to speak out against racism and injustice became a soul-searching mission to better understand how we can take action within our own organization to address systemic race-related issues. An extremely tough order and it would be naive to believe that one organization can change the world (or even a single community), but it’s the collective actions from many organizations that will drive positive social change. We want to be part of that change. 

We’re committed as a brand to becoming a place where all people feel a sense of belonging and connection. We’re such a beautifully diverse community, and we believe that ALL love is worthy. We have failed couples actively planning who were looking to hire Black vendors or shop at minority-owned businesses. Others did not see themselves represented enough across our platforms. The signals that we sent as a result of our failure to focus more attention on people of color had unintended and alienating consequences and for that, we are very sorry. We know that an intentional and ongoing focus on diversity and inclusion will aid us tremendously moving forward. 

Here’s our pledge to you: 

  1. We vow to publish more racially-diverse content on an ongoing basis and conduct regular reviews to ensure it truly reflects diversity including but not limited to race, sexuality and religion. 
  2. We vow to partner with more ethnically-diverse vendors and minority-owned businesses and deepen our connection with those existing partners.
  1. We vow to continue to listen and use our voice to influence positive social change through thoughtful and respectful content.

The results of our actions won’t be seen overnight, but we promise to uphold these 3 tenants. Furthermore, we will continue to identify many more actionable ways we can improve and promise to continue to use what influence we have for what is good, right and just. Thank you for your support.